We started this article when we were flying somewhere above Asia. Our final destination was Bali, with a short layover in Singapore Changi airport.
So, let’s see how to spend 11 hours on air, flying with our 18-month-old adventurer!
Actually, the first 6 hours have already passed, very easily I would say! Ektoras slept during take off (for about one hour and a half), we ate, he walked all around the aircraft with his mom. So that daddy can take a nap as well, you know 😉
We really prepared before the flight, and it helped us a lot.
Our tips for flying with a baby without stress
- A lot of food for everyone. Water, fruits, smoothies, corn wafers (Ektoras loves them!). And, of course, normal meals also, since we travel with a low-cost airline (Scoot). We chose plain pasta with boiled chicken, without any sauce. This is a type of food that Ektoras can eat easily either with a fork or by hands without making a mess around.
- 5 new small toys, that Ektoras hadn’t seen till now, thus very interesting for him.
- 3 new small baby books, both in Greek and Russian language. Of course, the book he reads every evening before going to bed.
The most important rules to follow
- To walk in the aircraft, be acquainted with the stewardesses and other babies, so that go get tired.
- To stick on the “meals – sleep” schedule, and try to keep him calm about 40 minutes before sleep, so that he doesn’t get in tension.
- To pay attention and listen to the child’s needs, so that to prevent problems before they appear. If he gets jealous of someone else’s food, to give him some of our food, or to distract him from something “forbidden”. Or, if he simply gets bored, to change activity.

It’s true that, before that flight, we were thinking how to survive an 11 hours flight with a toddler in the aircraft. However, it was finally easier than expected! Simply, as well as at home, you should not expect to relax and have your coffee while reading a newspaper. Of course, no, not even a minute of rest and free time, except if parents keep the baby one after the other. This is what we did, and we are used to do so. It helps us to relax, stay positive and cheerful!
We don’t say that traveling with a baby is easy, but, we prefer being tired when traveling, rather than at home!
What do you think about these tips to have a relatively easy flight with a toddler? Do you have other tricks? We would be glad to read about them!