Rwanda is a shining example of success in Africa that our channels will not shout about. Let’s travel there through the eyes of Kelly, a Greek ex-pat living there. She shows us images of her daily life and express her feelings about Rwanda,

Rwanda is a shining example of success in Africa that our channels will not shout about. Let’s travel there through the eyes of Kelly, a Greek ex-pat living there. She shows us images of her daily life and express her feelings about Rwanda,
Once we said “yes” to a Couchsurfing hosting request of two German travelers, road-tripping in their camper van. This was a beginning of strong friendship. Read travel and life stories of these travel souls, Reinhild and Robert.
Meeting people all over the world In our opinion, the most exciting part of traveling is meeting new people. People of different cultures, often with contrasting perspective, particular habits and different income level. We have mentioned many times, that what we love the most during our trips is sharing our experiences, discussing history, current socio-economic …